Let’s Talk About Breath Patterns
Past experience is stored as memory in the body and shows up in our breathing pattern.
If you had strong authority figures in your life in early stages of development, it may have been rare for you to feel safe in your body. This can cause a few different breathing patterns; shallow belly breathing or no breath in the belly which leads to digestive issues and low back tension as well as reproductive and hormonal imbalances. Some people had to develop a strong will to protect themselves and therefore have tightness in the solar plexus around the diaphragm. Overachieving, perfectionism and a tight mid back is common with this breathing pattern as well as seeking outside for approval, addiction to overstimulation, drama and unhealthy habits that serve to regulate nerves is common with this breathing pattern.
Heart break, loss and grief unexpressed leads to minimal breath in the chest which causes cardio vascular conditions, poor circulation and a lack of zest and joy for life which is cause for some types of cancer and or eventually heart failure.
Having our voice taken away at a young age can lead to limited expression and unclear communication which can cause tightness in the neck and throat and leads to compromised metabolism, TMJ and even psychological disorders.
These are just a few commonalities of breathing patterns and each of us has a unique breathing pattern given to us by the nature of our life experience.
Learning from a trained Facilitator who has integrated much of their own trauma is essential.
Certified Breathwave Facilitators have dedicated 400 - 500 hours or more to establishing the skills, humility and the confidence to hold space for anything that may arise without agenda while encouraging a gentle and relaxed approach to your healing journey.
We do not encourage laboring the breath or striving for peak experience.
Receiving guidance and coaching to open and balance your breathing pattern can be the most significant self healing modality to learn and practice today.
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#selfhealing #awakening #optimalhealth