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Psychedelic Breathwork Experience – February & March 2025

Begin the new year with a transformative journey through psychedelic breathwork. Join us in January 2025 for a guided experience that blends conscious breathing techniques with meditative states, unlocking clarity, emotional healing, and deeper self-awareness. Discover the power of your breath to awaken the mind, body, and soul.

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Breathwork for Life's Peak Experiences course

Over 14 days, you’ll go through daily lessons ranging from foundational breathwork techniques to advanced guided journeys. You’ll get expert guidance from Robin Clements, who’s a seasoned breathwork facilitator who has trained hundreds of people from around the world. There are over 20 guided practices, providing a variety of techniques to support and enhance your journey. The course also covers ceremony and integration techniques, giving you the tools you need to navigate your peak experiences with ease. Additionally, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how your breath affects your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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Free Recorded Breathwave Journey

This short guided breath journey with music by Blair Francis is here for us to gently return home to balance by simply unifying in breath and out breath as one continuous, flowing wave of nourishment.

Deep thanks to Blair Francis and Elise Lantin for the musical gift in this offering.

Soul Leadship Podcast

Soul Leadership Podcast Interview

An interview with Breathwave Founder, Robin Clements, Kiara Windrider, and Krystal Hille

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Podcast Interview

An interview with Robin Clements and Ian Mackenzie

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