Nervous System Regulation and Heart Conditions
Any good Nervous System Regulation breathing technique is going to work for you through your own good Intentions and willingness to unlearn.
The key for anyone with cardio vascular conditions when breathing is not to stress the systems with laborious breathing that makes the heart work harder.
Your breath directly influences your circulation. The heart is continuously receiving vital oxygen and Co2 and distributing this fresh new life force to the rest of the body.
As you lean back, relax and take care of your self, you will find that the restful nature of relaxing everything on each breath is the key to NSR.
The quality of the inhale is a natural, gentle commitment to openness and presence.
Once you have learned to open and correct your unconscious breathing patterns you have found not just a very effective way to slow all systems down into rest and digest, at some point you will begin to lean into the transpersonal domain.
The root of any imbalance is the memory and contraction of past experience.
In the heart it is grief and loss.
Through the willingness to stay committed and curious with your feeling nature you learn to soften the control patterns of resistance.
Leaning into and through the resistance opens the door to let go and trust.
And to let our self feel the grief that us underneath the anger, mistrust and betrayal.
This is the healing that the heart is calling for
To return to love and rise reverently to hear and sing along to the One song.
I give thanks to the winged ones that show us how light we can be.
How to see with new eyes every day.
In the East we honour the dawn of the new day, the element of air, the first breath, the first spark of light.